Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This Country's Biggest Hypocrisy.

I have said it and thought it many times: The hypocrisy of these people. When will the ignorant Christians open their eyes to realize that Republican values do not conform with Christianity?! Or maybe that is not it, maybe it is something more essential. It is Republicans that tend to go to war, that prefer war over diplomacy, that have no qualms in fighting against a system of basic welfare in favor of corporate profit, that discriminate against homosexuals as if they were not human. Republicans who every Sunday go to church to praise the lord. Republicans who love to preach the word of god and like to place their god in the forefront of world cultures. They fail to understand that they themselves have placed christ as a god, have taken a man and made him divine, have placed their hopes and faith in that man god; that man, who among his deeds, befriended the lepers and the whores, broke the law by working on the Sabbath in order to feed the people, preached the kind of love that is reflected in the meaning of agape- the selfless love, the kind of love by which you forgive your enemies, by which you place the other cheek when they hit you, beat your one cheek. They are hypocrits, this Republican Christians, supporting war and vengeance, prideful, dishonest, greedy Republicans. They should not call themselves Christian, if they will rely on the Old Testament for their truth. Out with the old, in with the New. Else, call yourself a Jew. It is only until the Gospel, until the breakaway from the Jewish Law of the O.T., that we begin to see the titled Christians. But now, 1,980 years after, we see the resurgence of the Torah as the dictating text for Christian thought, the leading source for mores and world perception. The ignorant, blind, Christian Republicans source of knowledge and choice.
Do not call yourself a Christian and a Republican. As long as Republican values equate close-minded, out-dated Calvinistic + Barbaric notions and Christians seek Republicanism as the political representation of their values and mores they CANNOT call themselves Christians, but rather "Christians" or simply "Hypocrits."