Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Laughing Jew

NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/17/world/middleeast/17mideast.html?hp

Here, again, is an example of the US position in the face of Israel's insolence. The decide to build on Palestinian land while Joe Biden is visiting the country, them possibly making a statement and he trying to get a working relationship working between the foes.

Done in all insolence

From the NYTimes:

"Last Tuesday the Israeli Interior Ministry announced 1,600 new housing units for Jews in Ramat Shlomo, another part of East Jerusalem, acutely embarrassing Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who was on a visit here. The move infuriated the Obama administration, coming soon after it had announced the start of American-brokered Israeli-Palestinian indirect peace talks, the first in more than a year.
Mr. Netanyahu apologized for the timing of the announcement and called it a mistake “done in all innocence.” But he has not shifted regarding Israel’s insistence on its right to continue building in all of Jerusalem.

AMERICA the ophtalmologist trying to correct two blind eyes. We need a deo ex machina like old times to step in and stomp on civilization pick them up in arms impregnate a few for demigods for his entertainment so perhaps we can have more shows like hercules or xena on tv instead of this god awful war of sticks and stones and a well trained well armed well funded israeli army.

Israel has a bomb. It is a big big bomb. Back from the good ole days of proliferation. I sit and roll my hand into a fist and place it under my chin one foot reclined onto the side of the stone where I sit naked, thinking: Man, we've seen the things these human beings have built, created: lollipops, cotton balls, genetically modified thornless roses, and here else they're pasting metal, screwing screws, encasing plutonium in cute little bubbles, capable of reminding the world of those two Japanese incidents mentioned semi-proudly in American history books.

Well, everyone has one. India has one. North Korea has one. France has a few. Britain. Etc.

I mean everyone. The phrase at hand "Don't do onto other masses what we wouldn't like done onto us (at the hands of the few governing, of course)"

It is amazing they haven't made pocket sized a-bombs. Each one of us carrying one of those little Plutonium balls in our pockets, fully exercising a twist off the second amendment.

SO: Based on Murphy's Law those bombs will go off sometime. You know it won't be you or I that will be responsible. Possible, the domino theory will not be whose turning red or blue, but rather, one goes off here, the next one goes off there, and there, and there, and there until no one is left to utter a simple sweet word as 'om'.

Hamas throws stones at the Police.
The Police beat Hamas.
Hamas throws stones at the Police.
The Police beat H mas.
H mas throws stones at the Police.
The Police beat H ma .
H ma th o s st n s t the Police.
The Police beat H m .
H m t o s n the Police.
The Police beat m .
m o n the Police.
The Police beat
the Police.
The Police
the Police
The Police
The Police
The Police

Socioeconomicpoliticoreligiocultural myopia rules at the end of the day.

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