Wednesday, January 16, 2008


The other day I was talking to a fundamentalist who believed the Book was completely literal in its ideas, including that of Genesis. He disproved of evolution, while I defended evolution. But when I defended evolution I thought to myself 'what crap is flowing out of my mouth' so that I ultimately reached a conclusion: that I believed in neither, but rather, that the distant past is meaningless. Sure, many would argue that Genesis gives man a purpose in life as he is created by the Dude, and evolution, well, evolution just wanted to say that the Dude didn't make it, but rather that we naturally came to be. Nevertheless, for both I conclude that we are and what are you gonna do about it? To be or not to be, that is the question, not necessarily how we came to be. It matters enough that I came from a human to know that I am human, and that now that I am human I have a responsibility that goes with it: the responsibility of surviving with the least amount of pain or suffering.

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