Monday, September 22, 2008

The shadows are beacons of optimism.

I sometimes wondered, when I pondered upon shadows when thinking of the atomic arrangements of those objects that make us believe in reality, that when a shadow affected an object, it somehow somewhat changed that object's atomic arrangement. Say, it made it a different object from what it was before the shadow was projected upon it.

And so my scientific friend says it does. And it is clever the way he says it does. The shadows, you see, are a product of the game between photons and dimensions. In a two dimensional world, there would be no shadow, but there would only be height and length, no depth, no surface except one upon which light, or photons, could be projected upon.

With the addition of depth, in its play with time, we find the basic elements of reality. We find reality as we know it, life as we know it, its rocks and its plants and its people. A basic thought: Without light, there is no photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis, there is no oxygen. Without oxygen, there is no life. Just carbon, carbon, carbon.

Shadows are the product of three dimension intruding upon the path of photons. Photons are the bearers of life. To recognize -emphasis on recognition- a shadow from surrounding objects, means somewhere somehow photons are impacting 3-d surfaces. When these surfaces are plants, the result is photosynthesis, oxygen, life, and its shadows.

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