Wednesday, March 24, 2010


If you cannot see the purpose why these three pictures were placed together on the same page, please close your eyes for a second, open them once more and reconsider its purpose.

If you cannot understand why evolutionary followers believe we descended from monkeys, please see the three pictures presented in the link. Please observe the similarities between the bone structures, the placement of bones, the sockets, between humans and apes.

If you fail to see similarities in the bone structures, but rather rely on the differences in size, intelligence, and Biblical history, please take a second to review the pictures above. Repeat action until you see the similarities in bone structure.

If you think, "Ok... the apes bone structure resembles man because ape was also created by God." Please review Bible to find where a female ape was created from a male apes rib. Repeat as needed, for every animal in the animal kingdom where male and female genders exist.

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